You got your slate in my coffee table, Part I

Part I in a 3-or-so part post describing how I made our coffee table.
Part II is here.
Part III is here.
Part IV (with pictures) is here.
Here are the blueprints for my first major furniture project, our living room coffee table. This will be broken out over several posts. Yes, my drawings are horrible. The profs who taught me proper GD&T will kick my ass when they see it. Still, it was good enough to print out, scatter copies of around the shop, spill shellac on, and ultimately produce a table from.
Later posts will talk about construction, assembly, and finishing.
Note that you’re free to use this, share it, and produce tables for use or for sale from it. But you can’t sell or modify the plans without getting permission from me first. See the license for more details:

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

(Yeah, I’m being uptight about the license thing. I’ve seen too many people have their free work relabeled and resold for me to act otherwise.)
(This was done in TurboCAD v8, a great software package I’ll post more information about soon.)

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