Anyone know about Korean woodworking?

Just got back from a quick trip to Seoul, South Korea (hence the absence of postings for a week). While there, I attempted to find a woodworking store, to no avail. As you may have heard, I’m in the market for chisels. I’ve been considering Japanese chisels, and I figured I might pay less in Seoul. Even better, I might learn something about Korean woodworking and techniques; maybe even pick up a distinctly Korean tool and a few pieces of interesting wood to stash in the carry-on.
But I came up dry. Nobody seemed to know where a traditional woodworking store was. Instead, I kept getting directed to these tiny power-tool kiosks (I can report that Bosch is popular over there).
So I put forth a question: do any of my brilliant and insightful readers know anything about korean woodworking? Or at least have a better mastery of Google than I?

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