Tweakin the bies
My new table saw came with a Biesmeyer-style rip fence. Bies fences are only attached on one end; the far side doesn’t clamp at all. I was having a little difficulty with it after setup until I figured out the problem.
There’s three pads on the close side of the clamp. When the clamp is engaged, these hold it in place. There’s instructions in the setup guide to make sure these keep the fence square, and what to do if they don’t hold the fence solidly. But when I was done, I noticed that the far end of the fence was not always true–if I unclamped and reclamped it, the far end would wind up off by a little from where it was before.
The trick is to tighten the pads down so the biesmeyer fence just barely slides over the guide rail. If you do this, the whole fence runs truer, stays squarer, and generally makes you happier.
True up your bies. You’ll thank me for it.
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