Sawstop, redux

Dave Wright put up an excellent comment to my earlier article about the SawStop table saw. Regular readers would probably miss it, so I’m giving it an entry of its own. It looks like the cabinet saw is hot stuff–I’m now curious how the cheap-looking contractor saw compares.

Just now, taking a late lunch, I did a web search for “sawstop review” and came across your page. I’ve had one of these saws since about when you posted the “SawStop?” piece. You might be interested to know that real reviews by regular woodworkers who paid their own money are starting to trickle in. Below are a couple. I wrote the second one.
Only time will tell how SawStop, their invention, and their saws fare in the marketplace. Judging by the saw alone they should do well. It’s expensive, but you’ll pay about the same to get the Eddie Bauer version of an SUV instead of the regular one. For most people it’s just a matter of priorities.
Take Care,

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