Great Deal on a Workbench

Brian found a hell of a deal! –dan
Just ran across a great deal on a Sjoberg workbench from Woodworker’s Source. So, of course, the second thing I did was rush over to share it with our wonderful readers. (First thing I did was to make sure I got mine at this price.)
Turns out they’ve got a special purchase deal going on a 21″ x 49″ (54″ with tail vise) bench with two wide vises. It appears to be the same Sjoberg DUO sold at Rockler for $499 before you even ship it. From Brian: It turns out that it is not the DUO but the JPB-4, which is still a great bench that runs $500+. The vises are fixed it the front left and the right end of the bench and not moveable. I’m very pleased with mine. I’ve been shopping for a small bench for my shop for awhile now and at $299 including shipping this is the best deal I’ve seen. No that wasn’t a typo the $299 gets it shipped to your door!! I asked them to hold it at the terminal since I’ve come to belive that most of the abuse occurs getting it from the terminal to your house.
So if your looking for a bench, run – don’t walk – over to Woodworker’s Source and be sure to let them know that Nothing Severed Yet sent you.

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