And now, the greatest chisel review.

A few days ago, Dave Wright left some valuable notes on the Sawstop safety enhanced saw. In the process of talking to him, I realized that he was the author of the greatest chisel review I’ve ever read. In fact, it was the article that had the greatest impact on me when I wrote this piece about chisel shopping. It’s so good, in fact, that I wanted all my readers to have a gander at it too, so he gave me permission to reprint it here.
Click here to read David Wright’s excellent wrapup of high-end chisels (it’s a 43k PDF).
As a postscript, Dave notes:
“It might be worth noting that opinions formed when writing that article have generally been proven true over extended use as well. I use all the chisels, but my “go to” ones are the Two Cherries, Stanley 750, and one that wasn’t in the review – Harris Tool. The Sorby and Henry Taylor still dull quickly though it’s easy to put a nice edge on them.”

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