Dan Shapiro

CEO of Glowforge, creator of Robot Turtles, proud dad

Poker chip box plans, free from Rockler

The good folks at Rockler have made plans for a walnut poker chip box available online, free. They'll show you how to make the thing, and even have links to where you can order all the parts online. It's pretty slick because it uses a piece of walnut molding, so you get a cool,  ...

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Rockhard update

In my earlier post on Behlen's Rockhard Table Top Varnish, I talked about a finishing schedule of mineral oil, shellac, then varnish. HOLD THAT THOUGHT! Here's the problem: the first coat of varnish doesn't adhere properly to the shellac if you do it the way I described.

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Nothing Severed in your inbox

By popular request*, I decided to add an email subscription to Nothing Severed Yet. You can use this to get the latest NSY articles sent directly to your inbox, bypassing that pesky "web" thing completely. It's sort of like when the boss in Dilbert has his secretary print out his emails,  ...

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