Want to get an idea of how much that table top or panel will move? Check out the handy dandy Shrinkulator.
Want to get an idea of how much that table top or panel will move? Check out the handy dandy Shrinkulator.
http://www.pinktoolbelts.com/ The web site name pretty much says it all.
We had a few hiccoughs getting this posted, but it’s all set now! Another free tool review, this one from my good friend Mike. Mike’s an outstanding professional cabinetmaker who does terrific work. His shop is so clean you could eat off the floor (and his one year old daughter ...
The good folks at Rockler have made plans for a walnut poker chip box available online, free. They'll show you how to make the thing, and even have links to where you can order all the parts online. It's pretty slick because it uses a piece of walnut molding, so you get a cool, ...
The Jack Rabbit Deluxe Set provides an excelent solution to endlessly swtiching from drill bit, to counter sink, to driver bit.
In my earlier post on Behlen's Rockhard Table Top Varnish, I talked about a finishing schedule of mineral oil, shellac, then varnish. HOLD THAT THOUGHT! Here's the problem: the first coat of varnish doesn't adhere properly to the shellac if you do it the way I described.
I came home with a Rigid 4 gallon wet dry vac and the hope that my $70 purchase would be everything I wanted. What I wanted was a shop vac that was quiet, small, cheap and filtered fine dust.
By popular request*, I decided to add an email subscription to Nothing Severed Yet. You can use this to get the latest NSY articles sent directly to your inbox, bypassing that pesky "web" thing completely. It's sort of like when the boss in Dilbert has his secretary print out his emails, ...
In the process of talking to Dave Wright, I realized that he was the author of the greatest chisel review I've ever read. It's so good, in fact, that I wanted all my readers to have a gander at it too, so he gave me permission to reprint it here.
Just ran across a great deal on a Sjoberg workbench from Woodworker's Source.