Dan Shapiro

CEO of Glowforge, creator of Robot Turtles, proud dad

Dan got Rockhard for you

I've been preparing to finish my dining room table project -- finish in both senses of the word. I poked around and discovered Behlen's Rockhard Table Top Varnish. The folks at Behlen were kind enough to provide me with a gallon of varnish and a quart of reducer. It arrived a few days ago, and  ...

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It’s the little things…

Another tip from guest-author Brian. –dan I share my garage shop with the washer and dryer, and recently my wife has been threatening to stop doing the laundry if she continued to find sawdust filling her laundry baskets. Figuring that I had a pretty good thing going and better act quick,  ...

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A Great Little Finger Saver

Well, I'm a bit behind on Safety Month, but since every month should be Safety Month in the workshop, I'm going to share my favorite safety device to date: The Grip-Tite magnetic feather board. This little gem is the invention of Jerry Jaksha, a hobbyist woodworker like you and me who was  ...

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Bookmatch on your tablesaw

When you get lots of lumber, you'll sometimes find small areas with really cool figure. I usually cut these out and play with them--split them in half and glue them back together to make bookmatched box tops, for example. Someday I'll get my bandsaw set up to resaw them properly, but in the  ...

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