WD-40 takes off bumper stickers.
I was doing some research on table saws yesterday, and wanted to give you a quick report on the results. 1) Get a cabinet saw, not a contractor-style saw. Heavier trunions mean less vibration. Everything is bolted to the base instead of the table, stabilizing the works. Everything is enclosed ...
Go buy yourself some mineral oil. Now, if you happen to have the simultaneous personality defects of being easily embarrased and constantly feeling like you have to explain yourself to total strangers, this may be a bit tricky.
My friends know that I'm apolitical, and I hate to argue with people about issues like this. So if you're a supporter of the current administration, please regard this as an homage to our president. If not, please regard this as the scariest jack-o-lantern I could come up with.
As our brighter readers will have already gleaned, the whole purpose of a humidor is to be humid. And as any reader paying even the slightest bit of attention will now realize, humidity and wood are a trecherous combination.
My humidor is finished, but it's taking a while to get all the information up--unfortunately, the computer with all my blueprints on it went to that big server farm in the sky. Until my new hard drive arrives, I don't have the dimensions or blueprints. That's OK--today's post is going to ...
Reader Question: I'm looking for a good, strong, clear sealant. My requirements are that it stay clear for as long as possible (no yellowing), strong enough to handle some "gentle" slamming of dominoes (which usually have a metal 'lump' so that they spin), spilled drinks, etc...
Now go here and buy the set of four Two Cherries chisels for under $60.
It's hard to find super-high-grit sandpaper.
Well, I got faked out. I was generating HUGE quantities of sawdust, so I figured I must be making progress.