Dan Shapiro

CEO of Glowforge, creator of Robot Turtles, proud dad

Your square, isn’t

Take your favorite combination square. Adjust it so the ruler sticks out all the way. Hold the short end against your workbench, so it looks like |_ from the top, and draw a line. Now flip it over, so it looks like _|, and draw another line on top of it. Do the two lines overlap, or do they  ...

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Clean out your dadoes

I had some dadoes that were cut with a dull blade, and consequently had some shreds of wood stuck to the sides. I took a <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0001Q4HRK/personworks-20/002-5006175-0176843">cabinet scraper</a> and ran it back and forth, shearing off a bit of the edge.

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On wiping versus chipping

One of the most annoying things about doing a glueup is cleaning up after yourself. Once those clamps have been tightened, you'll have glue squeezing out all over the place, dripping everywhere. So how do you clean up the gluey mess? There are two approaches I've used.

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