I've got a Forrest Woodworker II on the way. I'll report back as soon as I start using it.
I've got a Forrest Woodworker II on the way. I'll report back as soon as I start using it.
The place is Koa. Everywhere. According to our server, the Maitre d' stand alone is $10k worth of lumber.
A magazine that you probably haven't read produces a site that you probably haven't found.
Home Depot regularly carries 4x8 sheets of plywood that are maple on one side and birch on the other. If you compare to just about any other retail source, this is the cheapest you can find plywood with two presentable sides.
And finally, the best part of all... the pictures of the final product.
When we last left our intrepid hero, he had a lovely tabletop sanded to 60 grit with three square 12"x12" indentations. Time to get our hero some legs, then finish the damn thing.
So you saw my ugly blueprints in Part I--how do you make a table from it? Here's how I went about doing it.
Here it is... the plans from my first major furniture project, our living room coffee table.
And now, a question from the audience. Kate in Toronto wrote in to ask: <i>So, it's 8am Wednesday and I'm trying to find out why the planer, in the shop I use, keeps taking 1 inch square chunks from the corner (face) of my perfectly jointed boards...</i>