Dan Shapiro

CEO of Glowforge, creator of Robot Turtles, proud dad

Retail wood sucks

Final stop, Crosscut Hardwoods. Their prices aren't always sucky, but man, do they bite the wax tadpole for walnut. 4/4 stock is well over $5/bf rough, and they don't have a single board over 6'.

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A 2-hour heirloom

One of the good things about being a woodworker is that you can whip out great gifts with very little work. This afternoon my neighbor gave me a great suggestion right up this alley. Blocks!

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Grass whippers and beam bouncers

There are two kinds of engineering in this world. One kind takes place at a desk with a pencil and paper. The other takes place when you walk into Home Depot and jump on a wheelbarrow to determine if it can move the three-man rock in your yard without collapsing.

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