Dan Shapiro

CEO of Glowforge, creator of Robot Turtles, proud dad

Saving a life is easy, but I didn’t

I was reading Hacker News a few weeks ago and I stumbled on a story: Amit Gupta needs you. It turns out that Amit is the thoroughly likeable founder of Photojojo.  Amit had the double misfortune to: a) have acute leukemia, and b) be South Asian. The problem with the first one is obvious.  The  ...

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You’ve got a little schmutz on your logo

I was just creating an account on Sprouter today and started poking around a bit. It’s a nice site, in the vein of Quora or OnStartups Answers. But something about it seemed just a tad… off.  Amateurish.  And then I realized what it was. These are the fateful words my mother would  ...

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How to handle a VC who flies First

I’m continuing to enjoy Brad Feld and Jason Mendelson’s outstanding book, “Venture Deals”. On page 106 (of the Kindle edition, at least) they address an issue that’s very minor unless you’re dealing with it: board members who like to live large on the company  ...

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Why I sold my startup, Sparkbuy, to Google

Shortly after the sale closed, John Cook interviewed me about the experience.  He did a great job of transcribing all of my verbal gems, like “Maybe that is an economic way of looking at it, or something that I am unfamiliar with.”  I’m not even sure what that means. It was  ...

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