Dan Shapiro

CEO of Glowforge, creator of Robot Turtles, proud dad

Hello world (redux)

What with being gainfully unemployed and all, I’ve decided to revisit my blog.  Those of you with long memories or penchants for manly crafts may remember this URL as the home of “Nothing Severed Yet”, my woodworking blog.  Those entries are still here under the  ...

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Jacques Richer gives us this updated suggestion to an old article on getting glue off your glueup. He rightfully points out that the good old-fashioned hand scraper is a great task for the job...

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Speakers at CES

This year, all the cheap overseas speaker manufacturers have figured out that they can make absolutely gorgeous floorstanding speakers for not too much money, using the magical secret of veneer.

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Walk-in closet 102

And here’s the link I left off the last post. Whoops. http://flickr.com/photos/larsliden/sets/1737556/ (thanks Brett!) (You might want to subscribe or follow me on Twitter so you don’t miss new articles)

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Where’s Dan been?

I'm happy to share that as of tomorrow, I will be working for my new company, Ontela Inc., fulltime! This means that I will be working my butt off at just one job instead of two, leaving dozens of minutes a week for woodworking and blogging and personal hygene.

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