Dan Shapiro

CEO of Glowforge, creator of Robot Turtles, proud dad

PowerTwist Plus V-Belts

This is one of the easiest upgrades you can make to any of your belt driven machinery and gets a lot of bang for the buck. The belts are available in a range of standard profiles to fit any machinery you're likely to run across.

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My tablesaw used to quiver with joy

Tablesaws can be loud, viscious beasts. My old Grizzly contractor saw was so loud that I had neighbors complain when I fired it up. These days, my saw hums quietly to itself. I can rip 8/4 maple while my wife sleeps soundly in the bedroom upstairs. If your tablesaw is shaking the shack,  ...

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Brushing: A Counterpoint

You have to deal with brushes. While Brian posted a lovely article about how to make this suck less, there's no denying that it sucks. You have to kick out $15 for a nice brush. Then you have to tug and make sure there are no bristles.

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Brush 101

Finishing can be a pain in the neck. It's also scary, since no one wants to ruin the project they put so much work into. While I can't answer all your finishing questions - or for that matter all of my finishing questions - I want to tell you a bit about the most important part of success for  ...

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And the Winner Is…

Congradulations go out to Rob Chatlin who was the winner of the <a href="https://www.danshapiro.com/blog/archives/000136an_end_to_the_bit_switch_shuffle_bonus_free_tools.html">Jack Rabbit Deluxe Set</a> generously provided by <a href="http://www.jackrabbittool.com/">Jack Rabbit Tools</a> as part  ...

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